Monday, September 27, 2010

Surabaya Heritage Tour..

17:24 WIB
Living room :)


i do love surabaya..
eventhough i'm totally blind with its road..
*yeah, i'm 22 years old...i've been living here..and i still didnt know bout the road..
there's lot of history building here, in surabaya
museum either..
and you know what, just few people realize bout it..
hey ..we have lot of beauty things around... your mind..
or maybe, i correct your eyes, dear... :((
we used to have a wonderful and spooky museum called Mpu Tantular Museum
but, its already replaced last year...
geez..if you saw that wonderful museum...

Our track:

Museum Kesehatan / Museum Santet

Museum House of Sampoerna

SHT / Surabaya Heritage Track (ramadhan edition)

*lambangnya Sampoerna

*ini mobil jadul ..milik ownernya Sampoerna duluu :)

*Museum Kesehatan

lambangnya museum kesehatan :)

*sapi muda yang diawetkan :'(

*tirai ini..terbuat dari selang infus..


Monday, September 20, 2010




20:37 WIB

Living room…

Konbanwa, minna-san..

Malam ini, bisa dikatakan saat dimana saia mulai merasa gelisah dan tidak nyaman

Ada beberapa hal yang mengganggu pikiran saia akhir-akhir ini

Mengenai beberapa event tertentu, mengenai jejaring social, mengenai dunia social saia, mengenai sebuah organisasi, mengenai keluarga, etc.

Namun yang utama tetap…satu hal yang menjadi prioritas hidup saia saat ini


Selalu saja ada alasan dari diri saia sendiri untuk menunda-nunda dalam pengerjaan hal tersebut

Tapi, alasan terbesar tentu saja..



Bukan hal yang sulit sebenarnya, 2 minggu dengan penelitian ke jogja (bahkan surat observasi kesana sudah ada) hal ini dapat terselesaikan

Tapi apa?

Apa lagi?

Baiklah..malam ini akan saia kerjakan..

Sedikit demi sedikit L

Mengenai topic kali ini



Pada dasarnya, seorang Leo adalah seorang pribadi yang haus akan pujian

Amat sangat haus

Tapi, selama ini

Saia selalu menghindari segala pujian yang ada

Baik pujian akademik, prestasi, dan lainnya

Bisa dikatakan, karena selalu melarikan diri dari hal tersebut saia jadi merasa canggung

Alasan saia melarikan diri?

Karena, saia rasa pujian itu tidak perlu

Namun saia akan amat sangat memuji seseorang

Bila hal tersebut pantas dia dapatkan (bahkan saia bertingkah berlebihan)

Beberapa hari lalu

Seorang teman mengatakan pujian tersebut

Dia berujar, saia bertambah cantik (dengan muka heran, saia juga bermuka heran)

2 kali hal itu dia katakan

(bahkan dia tegaskan)

Saia bingung…canggung…

Apa yang harus saia katakan?

Sebelum-sebelumnya juga…

Dan beberapa orang yang pernah dekat dengan saia juga

Pernah mengatakan pujian itu

Saia tidak merasa pantas menerima pujian semacam itu

Jujur, saia tidak cantik.. J

Saia, tampan ;P


Bener-bener gag suka dikatain cantik

Bahakan pernah ada yang berkata saia nampak bersahaja

*ini yang lebih aneh +___+



Muka saia, bisa dikatakan kondisional..

Bisa cewek, cowok, maskulin, formal, tampang babu, etc.

*a gift?? O_O


Next time saia bahas lagi (kalo inget)

Love, Praise, Patient..


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

feet~ :)

at Kandang Xaphie (my room)

*taken on Supermall Ballroom of Pakuwon Trade Centre

hey there, minna-san~
just wanna make a simple post today..
i think ..i should make a Tumblr account to post my picture..or picture that i've been take in past~
i do like photograph...
i mean..i like to see it...
i like to stand..and watch over it :)
i have a lot of friend who has that special abilty ..
some people has that abilty as hobby..
and few people make it as their job..
great..i'm so envy >.<
i dont have the kit..i mean the camera, etc..
but, i have a taste and a different point of view in photography world :)

yeah feet..
i just realized it a few months ago..
i like to watch people's feet...
i see something in there
i always watch over people's outwear..from top to toe..
especially the toe part :)

that's all ..
just wanna share it..
here are the photo..
3 dulu aja :P

foto ini kuambil waktu lagi nge-gigs di CCCL Surabaya
acara Coupe de Neuf (9 Juli 2010)
captured by L.E.D.

Can not stop…

Can not stop…

May, 27th 2010

Library Wifi Zone

(maaph jika ada salah spell, corret me)

Hello world,,

Just wanna talk..a little bit ‘bout me.,

=doing nothing, etc.=


Its kinda weird for me..doing nothing.

I always move, eventhough there’s no vehicle supporting me. Just because my parent not allowed me to bring it. (hate that)

Yeah..honestly, I cant stand doing nothing like a dumb..dunno why..blood maybe..just like my father who is a sailor man ^^ and I proud of him. (remembering my past when he brought a fresh tuna, a whole one, and its still bleeding).

So, dunno with this May…I do lot of thing..

Such visiting Sandhy Sondoro Concert @SUTOS, watching Pemilihan Cak & Ning Surabaya @Balai Kota Surabaya, got some job as a surveyor for Health Department of Sidoarjo City, visiting Malang Tempo Dulu Festival @Malang City (backpacker as always), etc. (almost forgot what was going on last time ;P

Its fun you know…

Doing something, collect money, spending money, hang out with friends, travelling, planning some show, taking photo, visiting some photography show (pameran ding~), sketch some costume, attending some concert, chatting, discussing something with pals, gardening, cooking, doing something bad with friends ( I always do kind of this thing), etc. I do all of this thing~ and more..and more..and more… can not stop…

But when I stop,

I wont do anything..

Just sleep..

Sitting, reading some novel or manga/comic book..

Knitting, (rare, actually)

Doing sketch,,

Like now…I’m doing nothing =,=

Just surfing the Ethernet world~

Yeah..actually..i have ome job to do…practicing choreography for show in JW Marriot this weekend, practicing coreo for yosakoi festivel either.. =,=… design a costume…bla.bla.bla.~

But I’m in the mood of lazy rite now…


Get bored..



ja nee~

Love, J-Rock (japan rock), and keep trying!

Monday, September 13, 2010

what am i supossed to do?

At my living room..


Mati bosan.

Yeah…totally….i’m suffer…

I used to be anywhere…cant stop moving at all

Called me hyperactive

Called me weirdo

I used to be called like that

This holiday, really2 makes me bored

U know what

This is the first time I stay longer at home

The first time..


I know…I’m not a family woman…

‘cause I’m not close enough with my family…

‘cause my family, wont understand me at all..

‘cause both of my parent just focusing their mind to my lovely brother..

Dickha rizky maulana…

I do hate him sooooo much!

Beside he’s the one that my parent love

He ever did something to me in past..


Why do I have a sibling like him, God….

For what??!


Fine..i must stop this feelin’…


Love, hate, jealousy…
